Scope of MPK's business activity

Scope of MPK's business activity

Information about the transport services provided by Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne S.A. of Kraków.

MPK S.A. provides transport services under the agreement for the provision of public transport services in Kraków concluded with the Urban Municipality of Kraków. Public transport is organized by the Public Transport Authority in Kraków (ZTP).

What is MPK S.A. responsible for?

1. Transporting passengers

This is the most important and fundamental task of MPK S.A. The operator makes sure that passengers travel safely, comfortably, and quickly. MPK S.A. is systematically purchasing modern, low-floor buses and trams.Some of the bus lines are operated by a private operator, Mobilis, who is responsible for the quality of transport services on these lines.

2. Distributing tickets

An additional task of MPK S.A. is to ensure proper ticket distribution. To make ticket purchases easier for passengers, MPK S.A. has launched the Kraków City Card system that makes it possible to buy tickets from stationary vending machines located in various parts of the city and from mobile vending machines installed in MPK S.A. vehicles.

What is beyond the competence of MPK S.A. in Kraków?

1. Locations of bus and tram stops

All decisions in terms of the location of new stops are made by the Public Transport Authority in Kraków. This also concerns the organization and functioning of stops during their renovations.

2. Frequency of bus and tram runs

The frequency of bus and trams and runs is decided by the Public Transport Authority in Kraków.

3. Changes to public transport routes

All of the decisions in terms of changes to bus and tram routes are made by the Public Transport Authority in Kraków. This body also decides if lines are extended or shortened. ZTP also specifies the detours when renovations are under way.

4. Starting new bus and tram lines

This decision can only be made by the Public Transport Authority in Kraków, which is responsible for the organization of public transport in all of the Kraków conurbation, i.e. Kraków and the neighboring municipalities also covered by MPK S.A. buses.

5. Ticket prices

Ticket prices and discounts are determined, and all changes in this respect are made, by the Kraków City Council.

6. Ticket inspections 

Ticket inspections are carried out by the Public Transport Authority in Kraków based at ul. Wielopole 1.